Thursday, August 27, 2009

Takashita Street Packed..!

Takashita Street Packed..!
Originally uploaded by Tasayu
Now one thing comes to mind, if Harajuku fashion is too expensive where would one go? The answer? Takashita Street! Basically right next to Harajuku Street, Takashita takes what is popular in Harajuku and makes low end affordable versions of it! Still pretty cool and affordable for the young jobless market! As you can see in the pic this place is PACKED! Lots of things seem to be happening today, and I see a sign for Yosakoi for the coming week, so maybe this isn't the last time in Harajuku for this trip~ Geh, dropped some major bills in Harajuku god save us all. As always the JAPAN Folder will have all the other goodies in flickr!

Don't forget to go to the GUNDAM and KYOTO FOLDER for shots from the first week outside of Tokyo!

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